Beyond the Flaming Walls of the World: Fantasy, Alterity, and the Postnational Constellation. [Draft of essay to appear in The Planetary Turn: Art, Dialogue, and Geoaesthetics in the Twenty-First Century. Eds. Amy J. Elias and Christian Moraru. (Evanston: Northwestern U.P., forthcoming 2013).]
Power to the Educated Imagination!: Northrop Frye and the Utopian Impulse. [Draft of essay to appear in Educating the Imagination: Essays in Honour of Northrop Frye on the Centenary of His Birth. Eds. Alan Bewell et al. (Toronto: U. of Toronto P., 2013).]
Lost in Grand Central: Dystopia and Transgression in Neil Gaiman's American Gods. [Draft of essay to appear in Gisele Baxter et al., eds., After-NAFTA: Contemporary North American Dysopian Literature (Waterloo, ON: Wilfred Laurier University Press, forthcoming 2013).]
Places Where the Stars Are Strange: Fantasy and Utopia in Tolkien's Middle-earth. [Draft of chapter for the Rev. John William Houghton, ed., Author of the New Century: T.A. Shippey and the Creation of the Next Canon, in progress.]
Jameson's Representing Capital. [Draft review to appear in a forthcoming issue of Historical Materialism.]
Cartography and Navigation. [Draft entry in The
Blackwell Encyclopedia of Postcolonial Studies. Gen. eds. Sangeeta Ray and
Henry Schwarz (Oxford: Blackwell, forthcoming).]